Key Highlights & Features
Product Description
Digital Calibration with Test Weights (ZERO and SPAN)
To perform calibration with test weights, ZERO and SPAN are used in the setup menus.
- The Zero setting (SCALE:CAL:ZERO) specifies a gross zero point for the scale.
- The Span setting (SCALE:CAL:SPAN) specifies a second point (preferably close to full scale) used to convert the A/D readings into weighing units (eg. kg).
It is important that an initial zero calibration is performed before any span calibrations. The chart shown demonstrates how the zero and span points are used to interpolate a weight reading from the load cell reading.
- Calibration points (Zero, Span and Linearisation) must be spaced by at least 2% of Full scale from each other.
- First span point must be 10% of full scale or greater for successful calibration.
The calibration process is the same regardless of the firmware
- K401 General Purpose Software
- K402 Multi Product Software
- K404 Truck Weighing
- K405 Static Axle Weighing
- K410/ K411/K412 Batching Applications
Smart Weighing
Calibration using Direct mV/V Entry
In applications where test weights are not easily available, it is possible to calibrate the instrument directly by entering the mV/V signal strength at Zero and Span.
- The Direct Zero setting (SCALE:CAL:DIR.ZER) specifies a gross zero point for the scale.
- The Direct Span setting (SCALE:CAL:DIR.SPN) specifies the mV/V signal strength corresponding to an applied mass.
The accuracy of this type of calibration is limited to the accuracy of the direct mV/V data. that's smart weighing
Product Downloads
The following files are available for download for the Training Video R420 and R423 Calibration. Ensure you select the correct documentation for your unit's software version. Check back regularly for software and other updates.
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