Contact Rinstrum

Australian Office

Rinstrum Pty Ltd
Unit 4/31 Henry Street
QLD 4129

Blake Anderson
Hub Manager
Ph: +61 4 1989 3082

Gavin Mycock
Sales Engineer
Ph: +61 4 5522 4474

Brodie Mellford
Sales Engineer
Ph: +61 4 1872 6636

Tel:  + 61 7 3216 7166
Email Sales: [email protected] | Email Technical Support: [email protected]

US Office

Rinstrum Inc
430 W South Ave
Noble, IL 62868
United States

Postal Address:
PO Box 511415
Livonia, MI 48151.

Brad Fryburger
Hub Manager
Ph: +1 618 322 4231

Joe Rickey
West & Southern USA Regions

Ph: +1 248 703 3928

Terry Benjamin
East & Central USA Regions

Ph: +1 248 404 5225

Toll Free 1 877 829 9152 | Fax: +1 248 499 1331

Email: [email protected]
Email Technical Support: [email protected]

European Office

Rinstrum Europe GmbH
Tenter Weg 10, 42897
Remscheid, Germany

Shipping Address:
Greuel 1a, 42897
Remscheid, Germany

Marek Swierzy
Hub Manager
Ph: +49 (0) 2173 165 62 – 10

Tax Number: 126/5747/1891
VAT No: DE228928358

Deutsche Bank Darmstadt
IBAN DE24 508 700 240 0222 182 00

Tel:  49(0)2173 165 62- 10
Email: [email protected]
Email Technical Support: [email protected]

Sri Lanka Office

Rinstrum Pvt Ltd
No. 359/1,
Welihena Estate
South Welihena
Negombo , Sri Lanka

Ph: +94 312 237 214 | +94 312 237 215

Email: [email protected]

Dealer Technical Support

Australia Technical Support: 
[email protected]

United States Technical Support:
[email protected]

Germany Technical Support:
[email protected]
Service Form – Europe
Service Form – USA

Equipment Repairs and Warranty

Before returning equipment for repair or warranty assessment please contact your local Rinstrum office for a Case Number, you will be asked to provide serial number, problem description and model number.

The Service Form, including the Case Number you have been given must be with any equipment that is sent to Rinstrum. All repairs should come through a Rinstrum dealer.

For enquiries regarding breakdown or repair please contact your local scale company in the first instance – their details are generally on a label on the unit or nearby. Where there is no scale company reference, please contact Rinstrum and we can put you in contact with a local Rinstrum dealer.

Certified to DIN ISO 9001:2015
Zertifiziert nach DIN ISO 9001:2015

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